Curry Mee from Air Itam. The aunty is 77 years old this year. We also found out that she took 'pao som' (some chinese herbs) to maintain her beautiful skin - no botox....just 'pao som'. She was very friendly. I am not really a fan of curry mee but for hers.... I drank all the soup : ). It was really good.
This is not coke. It is soya sauce in a coke bottle. So innovative!
This has become the best Chai Tau Kueh in Penang in my list. I am definitely going back for more. It is from a van-stall in from of Lai Lai Air Itam. RM0.80 per pc and worth every cent.
Another good ice kacang and cendol from Lorong Macalister. We love it. Thanks to GL my tour guide for the day. Customer service not so good - the aunty's face was sour all the time and told me not to take picture of her.
Our first 3 layers coffee. Hmmm.... I like it. Different layer gives you different taste. Must try the 3 layers tea next time.

Roti Tuna.
Roti Taiwan - roti benggali with peanut butter. Very good...lots of peanuts.
Compliments to my tour guide GL who took me to all these places. I had a good time eating and shopping!