Ti's the year of the tiger and CNY goodies beckons to us..
what is CNY if not for: mandarin oranges and cookies and packet drinks and coke and shandy and longan and steamboat and FAMILY.... :-)
.................AND lastly, CNY is not CNY without bak kuah..
delicious decadent slices of bbq pork.
our stock this year comes imported from kay-el..
we bought a few homemade ones as well but i still prefer the ones from kiew brothers
sure, many of you may disagree.. but, well to each his own, i say..
must not be too salty or too sweet.
must not be too "wet", oily, soft or chewy.
perfect texture is sometime very difficult but so far the ones we bought are all very consistent.
taste wise i have no complaints as well.
actually the "char" level is also equally important.. :-)
elpea likes her bak kuah extra black and crispy.
me? i like it like below.. just nice..
isnt that just beautiful??
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